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544 resources meet your criteria
WhitepaperJira Align

The Journey to Enterprise Agility with Jira Align: 5 Customer Success Stories

For an organization to be successful in today’s high-speed economic environment, efficiency and streamlined performance are vital. Adopting an Agile…

Case StudyAgile

The Evolution of an Agile Energy Industry Leader

This energy industry leader was looking for assistance successfully adopting Scaled Agile and Lean Portfolio management practices. They faced challenges…


Scrumban Practitioner’s Guide

Scrum has become the most popular Agile method, currently utilized by millions of practitioners around the world. Given its evolution…

WhitepaperMicrosoft SharePoint

Microsoft 365 and SharePoint Capabilities Guide

Equip your teams with the skills and knowledge needed to get the most out of your Microsoft 365 and SharePoint…

WebinarManagement & Leadership

Implement OKRs for Breakthrough Performance

In partnership with: Successful strategy doesn’t come from defining a great strategy, it comes from deploying and executing a great…


How to Align your Investments with Future Strategic Outcomes using Participatory Budgeting

Participatory Budgeting is the Lean Portfolio Management process of allocating the total portfolio budgets to its value streams. It offers…

WebinarManagement & Leadership

Women in Leadership & Technology: Elevate with Grit Panel Series (Episode 3)

Hear from women in the workforce as they share obstacles to overcome and lessons learned from climbing the career ladder…


Lean Portfolio Strategy Part 2: Shifting from Imitation to Real LPM – The Move to True Value Streams

Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) is touted as a world-changing paradigm. A shift that promises to boost productivity, time to market,…


Agile Space

Welcome to mission control for Agile Space - a beginners guide brought to you by Mural and Cprime Get the…

WebinarBusiness Agility

The Top 5 Challenges Product Faces With Jira

See how Product and Engineering teams are solving the "What, Why, & How" by using Productboard and Jira. Productboard expert…

WebinarProduct Management

Solving Your Product Challenges: Top 3 Ways to Focus your Strategy

Do you find that your strategy is driven by disparate decisions and personal agendas? Do you find that, although seemingly…

InfographicManagement & Leadership

The Top 6 Reasons Digital Transformation Fails

It is well documented that the odds of a successful digital transformation are stacked against us. This infographic lays out…


Jira Cloud: Opsgenie Demo for Service & Incident Management

Incident management is critical for your organization to effectively operate, mitigate risk, and boost compliance. Never miss critical incidents. Ensure…


Can you keep up with the speed of Agile + DevOps?

Minimize complexity with a single, complete DevOps platform. Learn how you can make a measurable impact, increase operational efficiencies, deliver…


Lean Portfolio Strategy Part 1: Visualizing your Strategy Flow for Transparent Outcomes

How can you adopt lean portfolio management in a way that's not disruptive to current operations? What are the minimum…


A History of Scrum & What We’ve Forgotten: Learnings From the Original Scrum Team

When the very first Scrum team formed in 1992, Agile Software Development Coach and Cprime mentor, Jeff McKenna, had already…


Top 5 Reasons to Migrate from Rally Software to Jira/Jira Align

While Rally Software is a widely used, powerful agile project, program, and portfolio management tool, many users find that their…

WhitepaperProduct Management

[Audio Whitepaper] Project to Product: Building the Right Thing in the Right Way

Back in the days before agile really took hold in the software development world, workflow processes were dominated by project…


Women in Leadership & Technology: Elevate with Grit Panel Series (Episode 2)

Hear from women in the workforce as they share obstacles overcome and lessons learned from climbing the career ladder to…

Agile Transformation

Agile Solutions Guide

Your Partners in Pursuit of Enterprise Agility “Going Agile” is easier said than done. And, achieving scaled enterprise agility can…

learning and development

Building a Learning and Development Strategy for an Agile Organization

As the business landscape has changed over the past few years, learning and development (L&D) has grown into a massive…

WebinarProduct Management

From Project to Product: Let’s Talk Funding

Despite the substantial buzz about becoming a product-driven organization, all too often companies are holding on to their old project-based…


3 War Stories from Failed Cloud Migrations

We are relentlessly hammered with the promise that the cloud is the future state of working - that it will…


How to Amplify Jira Service Management with Asset and Configuration Management

Join AJ Schmalenberger, Atlassian Solution Architect at Cprime, for a demo of Insight and Jira Service Management to learn how…


Achieving Alignment and Agility: Best Practices for Aligning Technical and Non-Technical Teams in Jira & Wrike

Every team wants to contribute to their organization’s value stream. But not every team wants to or can do so…

Case StudyAgile

MTM Inc: So Much More Than Just a Lift

By creating an ecosystem of collaborative partnerships fueled by innovation, MTM removes barriers and brings a whole-person approach to healthcare.…


Women in Leadership & Technology: Elevate with Grit Panel Series (Episode 1)

Hear from women in the workforce as they share obstacles overcome and lessons learned from climbing the career ladder to…

WebinarJira Align

How to Manage Complex Programs with Jira Align

Culture, communication and collaboration have a great impact on productivity and outcomes. In this Atlassian hosted webinar, we focus on…


Setting Up Machines and Scripting for Terraform in Azure

Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code software tool. It is controlled through a simple command line interface. All the…

Product Manager
InfographicProduct Management

Top 7 Tips for Product Managers

Being a Product Manager can be a tough job, but it is also incredibly rewarding. As more and more organizations…