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544 resources meet your criteria
WhitepaperData & Analytics

10 Steps to Become a Blockchain Developer

Learn what it takes to break into one of the fastest growing professions, Blockchain Development. The blockchain market, by all accounts,…


10 Steps to Become a DevOps Engineer

Learn what it takes to break into one of the most highly sought-after IT professions, DevOps Engineering. There are some…


Agile Retrospective Quick Start Guide

Within the context of Agile development, the Sprint Retrospective is a powerful technique that was designed to enable teams to…


10 Steps to Become a Kickass DevOps Engineer

Learn what it takes to break into one of the most highly sought-after IT professions, DevOps Engineering. There are some…

WhitepaperBusiness Analysis

Identifying Project Stakeholders and Personas

Whatever the project justification and the goal, many things need to be done to ensure success. As Business Analysts, we…


AWS Well-architected Review

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is quickly growing and continues to introduce so many new features that it becomes challenging just to…


Scrum Master Practitioner’s Guide

The role of the “Scrum Master” is one of the most sought-after job roles in recent years due to the…


DevSecOps Playbook

In the IT industry, practicing DevOps has become a predominant way to improve the efficiency of teams. DevOps isn’t just…


DevOps Transformation Guide

This guide is designed to help you understand the components of your DevOps transformation and provides guidance on your next steps in…

WhitepaperBusiness Analysis

Advice for New Business Analysts

This whitepaper provides invaluable advice for anyone who is new, or sort of new, to the Business Analyst career. Anyone…


Selling Agile Transformation to Upper Management

Although most organizations know that the ability to release a new product or new feature is imperative to their success,…


DevOps Maturity Model Quiz: Deployments Edition

Where are you on the DevOps Maturity Model Curve? Are you not sure how to measure the maturity of your…

WhitepaperProject Management

PMO Practitioner’s Guide

This project management guide contains valuable lessons to help you expedite your learning, maximize the value delivered to customers, and reap the benefits…

WhitepaperMicrosoft SharePoint

Why I HATE SharePoint eBook

Why is SharePoint so frustrating? From its unusual search function to its seemingly limited compatibility, there's a lot to make…


DevOps in Action – Ops on Dev Teams

While the term DevOps was coined in 2009, it wasn't until recently that the DevOps community started focusing more on…

WhitepaperBusiness Analysis

Creating and Using in Personas

Why They Are Important to Business Analysts Regardless of the Approach Personas are one method to better understand what needs…

WhitepaperBusiness Analysis

10 Steps to Become a Data Scientist

Every day, there is more and more news confirming that data science is one of the fastest growing job markets. The…

WhitepaperBusiness Analysis

Rethinking BPMN (Part 1): How to Build GOOD Process Models Using BPMN

Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) has become the ‘de facto’ standard for modeling business processes. BPMN’s main goal is…

WhitepaperBusiness Analysis

Problem Solving Techniques: Key Skills for BAs

Requirements elicitation happens at the beginning of a project, making it a critical phase that will make or break the…


Getting Started with Continuous Delivery using SAFe®

Software has become critical to almost every organization’s success. In order to stay relevant and useful, your software development teams…

WhitepaperBusiness Analysis

Rethinking BPMN (Part 2): The Process to Model Processes

In our last whitepaper (Rethinking BPMN (Part 1): What is a GOOD Process Model), we discussed what makes a process…


5 Absolutely Non-Negotiable Prerequisites to Getting DevOps Right

DevOps and “DevOps-like” practices are going mainstream, and few high-performing IT teams have not implemented at least some processes and…


SAFe® vs. DevOps

On the surface, comparing a productized program management framework like SAFe® and an open community-driven movement like DevOps may seem like…


DevOps from 30,000 feet

DevOps is a complex system that is shaped from a variety of different innovators and contributors. Because of this, it…


DevOps in an ITIL Shop

Can DevOps and ITIL coexist? This is a reasonable question when you compare the dynamism of DevOps with the methodical,…

InfographicSoftware Development

10 Steps To Be a Better Programmer

There is an obvious divide between a good developer and a bad developer. Although it may seem like some software…

WebinarProject Management

Project Management: Transitioning from Analysis to Implementation to Release

Software Development Life Cycle best practices are spread out amongst different areas of professional knowledge. As a project manager, are…


Agile Market Entry, A Successful Launch For Your New Products

Agile development has made great strides delivering new market-ready products that customers want and need. But just as new technologies…


AIOps & DevOps: How are they related? And what should I do about it?

DevOps has been reshaping how we work in IT for nearly the past decade. And now there’s AIOps. While AIOps…


There’s More to Kanban than a Board and Post-its

Kanban gets a reputation as being the most simple of Agile methodologies to adopt. While for some, that very well…