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Jira Dependency Management using Power Scripts + Structure for Jira

In Jira, the issue links module is a common way organizations link, clone, relate and specify relationships between issues. Most…


TDD vs. BDD vs. ATDD

Software development can be overwhelming. There are tons of languages, frameworks, and tools to know about. Plus, there are processes…

Employee Spotlights

Cprime Employee Spotlight – Getting to Know Rosa Leung – Operations Manager

Our Employee Highlight of the Month is Rosa Leung, Operations Manager! See what she does in her spare time outside…


Is It Possible to Transition to DevOps From Waterfall?

At their core, waterfall and DevOps are different approaches to software development. In the waterfall or linear-sequential life cycle model,…


Proactive Compliance via Confluence and Comala Workflows

Compliance is a term that brings varying reactions from different people. Most everyone recognizes the value and importance of regulations…

Product Management

The Humans Strike Back: Putting People Back in Product – ProdConf 2019 Recap

In a world obsessed with metrics, profits, and the latest technology, it can be easy to lose sight of something…

Product Management

Influence Without Authority – Powerful Advice for Product Managers

Anne Steiner, now VP of Product Strategy at Cprime, has earned a stellar reputation as a coach and trainer for…

Data & Analytics

10 Tips That Will Lead to a Successful Data Governance Implementation

Data governance is a big topic, and rolling out an implementation is often an enormous undertaking. If you’re the person…


Test Automation and DevOps: What You Need to Know

Recently there has been a lot of emphasis on DevOps test automation in a bid to push code down the…

Project Management

Why Are We So Bad at Managing Software Projects?

The Standish Group conducts regular studies of project success rates which provide interesting insights into the project outcomes for software…

Technical coaching
Agile Governance

Seeking Lasting Change? Look Beyond the Technical Practices

As a technical coach, I quite often get asked to up-skill and improve teams’ performance. Often the request takes the…


The Business Case for Container Technology

When you see the word “containers”, you probably immediately think of Docker. But containers are not a new concept. It…