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Atlassian Integrations

How to Turn Slack Into Your Enterprise Collaboration Hub and Why You Should

It’s highly unlikely you’ve never heard of Slack. That’s not a blanket generalization, it’s a statistical fact: Over 12 million…

Project Management

Problem: Project Tasks are Incomplete

We have all been there before! Various project tasks are incomplete, or late, because a Project Team member didn’t know…

Digital Marketing

How Google’s Featured Snippet Updates Impact Organic Rankings

*This blog was originally published by RSO consulting and can be found here. Google Featured Snippet updates mean big changes…


Improving Team Retrospectives by Focusing on Individuals

Every Scrum Master has experienced the dreaded “retrospective eye roll.” Sometimes it is the subtle sigh of a team member…


Are Your Portfolios Built for Innovation or Stagnation?

Every organization today sees the need to be innovative. But, very few actually succeed at that goal with any consistency.…


Continuous Improvement – Myth or Reality?

Let’s be honest. Change is hard and takes a lot of work. It requires time, effort, and likely money to…

Project Management

Project Terminology – What Does That Mean?

How many times have you been in a meeting where someone was using project terminology, or acronym, that was unfamiliar…

Agile Metrics

The Power of Portfolio Level Reporting in Jira Align (Part 3 of 4)

Please note: This is one in a four-part series on the powerful reporting capabilities offered through Jira Align by Atlassian.…


How to Integrate Jenkins with GitHub

Jenkins has become one of the most popular tools to create CI/CD pipelines. There are many reasons for this, and…

Software Development

Self-driving Cars Software Development

In this article, we want to talk about promising automotive technologies and best practices in the field of self-driving cars…

Software Development

Benefits of the Interactive Healthcare Dashboards for Hospitals

An interactive healthcare dashboard is a complex tool for healthcare analytics and BI that is extremely useful when dealing with…


AI Engineers: Your Guide to What They Are and How to Become One

As a species, we’ve long been obsessed with finding an intelligent existence that would help us survive in this world.…