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Scaling Agile Practices to the Enterprise
Applying an Agile framework to multiple teams at once, and in coordination, is often referred to as “Scaling Agile”. This…

Big Rocks in Your Product Agility Journey
You may have heard the term ‘Project to Product’ buzzing around lately. But what does this concept really mean, and…

Agile vs DevOps – Same, Different, or Something Else?
If you have worked in any technology field over the past decade, there’s a good chance that the terms “Agile”…

Choosing the Best Data Visualization Tool for Your Teams
You have the data. Now you need to turn it into information. Perhaps you are thinking of exploring beyond what…

Building the Right Product
Project to Product Thinking Part 3 Dating back to the early 2000s the Agile movement drove tremendous advancements in process…

Project to Product Funding
Project to Product Thinking Part 2 One of the main promises agility is supposed to deliver on is decreased costs.…

Project Management vs Product Management: What is the Difference?
Project to Product Thinking Part 1 Before agile was at the center of the software development world, project management processes…

Connected and Autonomous Vehicles: Main Differences, Promising Benefits and Concerns
Connected vehicles and autonomous vehicles are expected to be the future of the automotive industry. Let’s take a deeper look…

Hidden Benefits of the Cloud for Government Agencies
When we look at what cloud computing offers any organization, there are some universal benefits. We all know that the…

DevOps Lifecycle Phases and Principles
What is the DevOps Lifecycle? The DevOps lifecycle is a set of automated deployment processes of workflow. It was introduced to ensure…

Static Testing: What You Need to Know
What Is Static Testing? Static testing is a type of testing that's performed on a piece of software without executing…

Safety and Security Solutions in Fleet Management Systems
Driving comes with risks, however, modern technologies have the potential to lower those risks if the business owners take the…