Sharing insights, knowledge and expertise
What is Agile Hardware?
The phenomenal success of the Scrum framework, as an approach to organizing and conducting software-product development, is now well known.…
What is Agile Hardware Development?
Can an Agile process be used for hardware development? Would it bring to hardware development the same benefits it…
Top CI/CD Tools: The Most Complete Guide with 34 Best Picks for DevOps Source
It is quite a challenge to choose the best tool for Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD). Here is…
How to Build a Market Penetration Strategy
The first thing you want to know when launching the new product, do you have enough users to ensure the…
From Monolith to Microservices and Beyond
Monolithic architectures were the de facto standard of how we built internet applications. Despite still being used nowadays, microservices have…
5 Things You Need to Stop Doing at the Sprint Planning
The Sprint Planning meeting is a critical Scrum event that establishes the team’s goal for a sprint and sets the…
EHR vs EMR: What’s the Difference?
EHR vs EMR: What's the Difference? Technology brought these two record-keeping solutions to the medical field, and providers had to…
5 Powerful Tips for Preparing for Scrum Master Job Interview
Over my career, I have had the opportunity to recruit and build teams which has been a rewarding experience for…
Software Development Team: How to Get Exactly What You Need
It is the software development team that turns your product into a reality. You’ve got a promising idea or maybe…
Coach, Mentor, Teacher or Facilitator – Which Scrum Master role is key to your success?
Over the span of my professional career, I have worked many different jobs, and each provided me with a unique…
Getting Started with BitBucket
Introduction John Bardeen, winner of two Nobel prizes in physics said, “The combined results of several people working together is…
5 Things You Need to Stop Doing With Your Daily Scrum
The Daily Scrum is one of the most common practices that new teams begin to learn how to apply the…