Tech Talent Shortage Blog Posts | Cprime








Tech Talent Shortage

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Agile Roles

The Cloud Expert Imperative: Building and Sustaining a Skilled Workforce for the Digital Age

Cloud Talent FAQs covered in this article:  How can enterprise IT leadership attract quality cloud talent? Prioritize the developer experience…


How Agile Training and Certification Insulate Your Company from the Global Tech Talent Shortage

The global tech talent shortage is a well-documented and well-known phenomenon at this point. Companies of all shapes and sizes…


Why the C-suite Needs to Consider Agile Transformation Training

In most organizations today, just keeping up with the competition and keeping the figurative lights on is an impressive feat.…

Tech Talent Shortage

How to Pursue IT Staff Augmentation Today

In a previous article, we discussed IT staff augmentation — what it is (and is not), the problems it can…

Tech Talent Shortage

Tech Team Augmentation — Why Consider it Right Now?

Traditionally, when an organization was growing or taking on a new project, and workforce expansion was necessary, the standard procedure…


Where to Find a Systems Team Product Owner – Part 2

In part 1 of this blog series, we discussed what the System Team is, what a Product Owner (PO) for…

Tech Talent Shortage

Why the Tech Talent Gap is Scaring CEOs Across the Globe

Effective chief executives care A LOT about the companies they lead. They pour blood, sweat, and tears into ensuring the…

Tech Talent Shortage

Can Agile Staffing Services Resolve Your Tech Talent Shortage?

The global shortage of tech talent is an ongoing problem years in the making. Since the pandemic accelerated the digital…


Addressing the Tech Labor Shortage — Looking Outside the Organization

The global tech labor shortage is becoming far more than an annoyance for companies within and outside the technology space.…


Addressing the Labor Shortage in Tech — Looking Inside the Organization

The labor shortage in tech is now a global problem, and it’s not going away anytime soon. According to research…

Tech Talent Shortage

What You Should Know About IT Staffing as a Recruitment Approach Before Getting Started

Make a proper choice and consider IT staffing as an option to supply the project with perfectly tailored talent. The…

Management & Leadership

Solve Your Tech Talent Shortage from Within

Over the last 15 years, I’ve hired dozens of software engineers, and it has never been enough. The demand for…