Agile Development with Scrum Blog Posts | Cprime








Agile Development with Scrum

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Agile Development with Scrum

Learn more about agile development with scrum, a lightweight process framework for agile development that is one of the most popular agile methodologies out there.


5 Things You Should Never Say (or Do) During Sprint Retrospective

From my experience working with new Scrum teams over the past few years, it has become apparent that the Retrospective…

Agile Team vs Scaled Agile

Scaled Agility vs. Team Agility – 5 Things You Need To Know

The concept of “scaling” within the world of Agile development is something that is often confusing because there is no…


Agile framework certifications – Which one is right for me?

As an Agile Coach and trainer, one of most common questions I receive is regarding Agile certifications. Many teams that…


3 Warning Signs That Your Backlog Refinement Is Failing, and 3 Ideas to Fix It

Backlog Refinement, or commonly known as “Backlog Grooming”, is an essential activity that many Scrum teams fail to execute consistently…


3 Warning Signs That Your Agile Transformation Is Failing, and 3 Ideas to Fix It

Over the past decade, I have worked with several companies to assist them with their Agile transformation initiatives. Each experience…


5 Things You Need to Stop Doing at the Sprint Planning

The Sprint Planning meeting is a critical Scrum event that establishes the team’s goal for a sprint and sets the…


5 Things You Need to Stop Doing at the Sprint Retrospective

One of my co-workers recently asked me a question that I have heard many times before, “What’s the point of…


Root Cause Analysis – The Missing Ingredient in Your Agile Team

Recently, one of the teams that I began to work with was struggling to deliver a working product in a…


3 Reasons Your Engineers Don’t like Agile Development and 3 Tips to Fix It

If you are planning to adopt Agile Development practices, chances are, you will encounter resistance from a variety of sources…


3 Reasons Your Project Managers Don’t like Agile Development and 3 Tips to Fix It

If you are planning to adopt Agile Development practices, chances are, you will encounter resistance from your project management team…


3 Reasons Your Management Doesn’t like Agile Development and 3 Tips to Fix It

If you are planning to adopt Agile Development practices, chances are, you will encounter resistance from a variety of sources…

Agile Development with Scrum

ScrumMaster: Servant Leader or Secretary? (Webinar on Demand)

Learn what good Scrum Masters REALLY do, what skills they need to improve and what items in the organization they…