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The HR Team’s Guide to Implementing Enterprise Service Management
Like nearly all organizations today, you’re struggling to streamline internal processes even as the speed and complexity of the market keeps requiring you to change. Success depends on clear communication, smooth collaboration, and alignment across business units. But this isn’t easy, considering the variety of processes, metrics, and tools various teams use across the organization.
Many companies have discovered that a relatively new concept, Enterprise Service Management (ESM), offers significant benefits. It’s proving to be a healthy step toward the optimal state of enterprise agility the modern organization must strive for.
One of the most important aspects of ESM is the fact that it unites and aligns departments across the organization with one tool stack and one set of processes. So, if your Human Resources team could benefit from streamlining and alignment of your internal and external service offerings, ESM should be high on your priority list.
In the first white paper in this series, Your Practical Guide to Enterprise Service Management, we provided a primer explaining:
- What Enterprise Service Management is
- What is required to craft a basic ESM system
- Why your company should consider pursuing this program, and
- A simple three-step process for successful implementation
In this white paper, we’ll:
- Introduce you to the hard-working HR team at XYZ Corporation
- Describe their current situation (which you may find very familiar)
- Consider why and how they decided to pursue ESM
- Lay out how they prepared for implementation, what challenges they faced, how these were overcome, and the outcomes they achieved
- Reveal how you can follow suit in your own organization
Download the full white paper now to keep reading! –>
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