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Metrics that Matter in the Boardroom
Metrics-driven goals are fundamental to building great products. While data, KPIs and OKRs have an impact on most jobs, it is especially true for product teams. In our current situation, product professionals are being challenged to clearly articulate the value of their products and solutions in a language that focuses on outcome vs. output and value created vs. effort spent.
Are you struggling to provide the metrics that matter most for your product or solution? Are you caught in a loop reinventing how to measure the progress and success of your products?
In this webinar, join Mike Smart (Egress Solutions) and Devin Anderson (Cprime) to:
- Explore how to help your product or solution stand out.
- Learn how to combine vision with quantifiable metrics that measure process, progress and value.
- Learn how to use leading metrics, such as usage and adoption, to impact product performance and business outcomes.
You’ll leave with real life strategies for using your data super powers for the good of your product.
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