Onboarding Program for HR Software Company | Cprime








Case Study

Onboarding Case Study for Fortune 200 Human Resource Software Company

16%increase in new hire retention
54%greater new hire productivity
17% increase in revenue per full-time employee

Company Details

Industry: Software Company

Company Size: Fortune 200

Cprime Services:

Executive Summary

This Fortune 200 human resource software company wanted to partner with a training vendor to develop and deliver a custom new hire onboarding program. The goal was to to attract top talent from college campuses, recruiting them for software engineering, IT operations and IT infrastructure roles. With help from Cprime trainers, the company saw increases in employee retention, productivity, and revenue per employee.

The Challenge

Custom New Hire Onboarding

A Fortune 200 human resource software company wanted to partner with a training vendor to develop and deliver a custom new hire onboarding program. The intent of the program was to attract top talent from college campuses, recruiting them for software engineering, IT operations and IT infrastructure roles and positions.

After several months of meetings with various training companies, they had not found a vendor that could provide an adequate solution. Many vendors proposed solutions that were too long, too expensive or too cumbersome. At this point, an employee in the procurement office remembered how easy it was work with Cprime Learning. The senior director for global talent acquisition then contacted Cprime Learning’s enterprise programs team and together sketched out an IT graduate new hire onboarding program that could meet their needs and budget. After presenting the CIO with a proposal showcasing the program elements, Cprime Learning gained approval and began developing two new hire onboarding programs for the client.

The Solution

The primary goal of the client’s new hire onboarding program was to accelerate the development of recent college graduates with IT and computer science degrees to become effective and productive employees as quickly as possible by giving them specific technology and business skills training.

Cprime Learning Onboarding Programs

Cprime Learning created two, six-week onboarding programs that would run simultaneously. They taught the graduates Agile and DevOps practices, and provided hands-on experience in tools used within the client’s IT department, enabling new hires to be “Day-one ready.” During the program, students completed assessments to track their understanding and success and worked on a case study in parallel to promote collaboration among themselves and prove their abilities.

  • Agile Methodology – agile team dynamics, story review, iteration execution
  • Analysis – going from strategy to execution, project management, change management
  • Architecture – system architecture, data center architecture, company OS breakdown
  • Infrastructure – storage, networking, virtualization, containerization
  • DevOps – culture, patterns, and anti-patterns
  • Automation – orchestration, Linux and Windows scripting and automation
  • Configuration Management – configuration management with Ansible and Puppet
  • Tools and Clouds – tool overview (vRA, DBaaS, zVM, HPOO, BladeLogic), deployment and resource management in the cloud
  • Database Technologies – database design, database normalization, database programming, SQL applications
  • NoSQL – working with MongoDB and Cassandra
  • Security and Risk Management – secure software development, incident response, identity
    and access management
  • Agile Methodology – agile team dynamics, story review, iteration execution
  • Analysis – going from strategy to execution, project management, change management
  • Application Modeling with UML – structural diagramming, behavioral diagramming, interaction diagramming
  • DevOps – DevOps terms, definitions, and vernacular
  • Security and Risk Management – secure software development, incident response, identity and access management
  • Development Management Tools – Jenkins, Maven, Git, BitBucket
  • Scripting – JQuery, Bootstrap, Angular 2
  • VDL – philosophy and principles of VDL, VDL Patterns
  • Java Programming – Tomcat, Spring, Spring MVC, Spring Boot
  • Testing and Test Automation – Agile testing mindset & process, test-driven development with Junit
  • Database Technologies – database design, database normalization, database programming, SQL applications
  • NoSQL – working with MongoDB and Cassandra
  • Application Development – testing integration, data-driven web applications with Java, Web Services

The secondary goal of the program was to assign the recent graduates into different teams within the company. To help facilitate this, students were grouped into project teams at the beginning of the program. The teams’ ultimate task was to develop and deploy a product. It was left up to the project teams to determine how to create the product. At the close of the program, teams completed a final exam, presented their finished product to the organization’s IT manager, celebrated with a social hour. This entire process helped the IT managers choose which new hires would fit well in their teams from both a technical and cultural aspect.

The Results

Employee Preparedness & New Hire Retention

At the completion of the Cprime Learning contract, the organization made a decision to license the content for the new hire onboarding program. They run the program multiple times each year, in various locations across the globe.

The current measurable results of the new hire onboarding program include but are not limited to:

  1. 16% increase in new hire retention
  2. 54% greater new hire productivity
  3. 17% increase in revenue per full-time employee

In summary, Cprime Learning and the client worked together to create a detailed, hands-on program to solve issues such as lack of real-world preparedness of college graduates entering their company and new hire retention.


If you’d like to see similar results at your company, consider our Agile and DevOps learning courses.


About Cprime

Cprime is an industry-leading, full-service global consulting firm with a focus on providing integrated and innovative solutions around digital transformation, product, cloud, and technology. With over 20 years’ experience, we provide strategic and technical expertise to businesses across more than 50 industries. Our team of advisors and technical experts have the know-how to meet organizations where they are to develop actionable solutions and solve business challenges. We also collaborate with our expansive network of partners to design, deploy, and harmonize technology stacks across organizations. Our mission is to empower visionary business leaders and teams to reimagine the future of work to achieve better outcomes.

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