Migrating to Atlassian Cloud or Data Center - FAQ - Cprime








Many companies are benefiting from the advantages of cloud: like streamlined administration, instant scalability, and quicker time to value. In fact, over 90% of clients start with Atlassian cloud products and current Atlassian server customers making the switch every day. To ensure Atlassian is delivering the cloud experience you deserve, they have continuously invested in their cloud tools so that your teams can work flexibly and innovate quickly.

Atlassian has also taken their cloud offerings to the next level by building a modern, intuitive, and unified experience across all their products to transform how your teams collaborate. This includes leveraging automation and machine learning to reduce the time spent on repetitive tasks and enhancing integrations to power seamless workflows across your teams.

As Atlassian sharpens their focus as a cloud-first company, this will include making bold changes to its self-managed offerings. While these changes are in service of your organization’s long-term success, the transition will be hard for some.

Critical Changes and Dates to Server Products

Here is a consolidated list of critical changes and dates to be aware of for all server products:

Effective February 2, 2021 PT:

  • Discontinued sale of new licenses for server products. Existing licenses will have new pricing applied to your next renewal term.
  • Discontinued new feature development for server products.
  • Existing server license maintenance shall increase. Any existing server licenses can continue to renew and receive maintenance support for their licenses until February 2, 2024 PT.
  • Discontinued sale of the following Atlassian-built Apps which will be included in Data Center thereafter:
    • Jira Software Data Center: Advanced Roadmaps (formerly Portfolio for Jira)
    • Confluence Data Center: Team Calendars for Confluence, Analytics for Confluence
    • Jira Service Desk Data Center: Insight – Asset Management and Insight Discovery

Effective February 15, 2022 PT:

  • Server products or apps no longer allowed upgrade or downgrade user tiers. The only option to upgrade or downgrade user tiers will be moving to either cloud or Data Center.

Effective February 15, 2023 PT:

  • Discontinued sale of new apps for existing server licenses.
  • App renewals will be adjusted with an end date of February 2, 2024 PT.

Effective February 15, 2024 PT:

  • Discontinued support and bug fixes for server products and apps. Any remaining renewals will be adjusted with an end date of February 2, 2024 PT.

Read more about the server changes here.


Critical Changes and Dates to Data Center

Here is a consolidated list of critical changes and dates to be aware of for all Data Center products:

Effective February 2, 2021 PT:

  • New prices for new Data Center licenses. Existing Data Center licenses will see price adjustment at next renewal.
  • The following products (with 251 or more users) will include Priority Support at no additional cost:
    • Jira Software
    • Jira Service Desk
    • Confluence
    • Crowd Data Center
  • The following Atlassian-built apps will be included with Data Center subscriptions:
    • Jira Software Data Center: Advanced Roadmaps (formerly Portfolio for Jira)
    • Confluence Data Center: Team Calendars for Confluence, Analytics for Confluence
    • Jira Service Desk Data Center: Insight – Asset Management and Insight Discovery

Read more about the Data Center changes here.


What do I need to know about Atlassian support changes for server products?

Up through February 1, 2022 PT, Atlassian will provide support and bug fixes for their server products. Thereafter, only “security bug-fixes for critical vulnerabilities” will be supported by Atlassian until February 2, 2024 PT.

Please note, after February 2, 2024 PT Atlassian will discontinue all server product support or updates.

What about my server Apps?

Availability of app versions is dictated by the Atlassian marketplace vendors; not all apps are available on the cloud. For server versions of apps that do not have a Data Center version available for purchase, the server version can continue to run on Data Center, but highly advised against due to security and scalability risks. Cprime does highly recommend running a gap analysis to understand which apps can migrate to the cloud, those that are not available, and those that are native to the cloud or Data Center subscriptions.

Cprime’s App Gap Analysis package and can include best alternatives for any apps in your environment and which are not available on cloud. In addition, this can be a great opportunity to leverage the Cprime Health Reports that audits the health of your entire instance for inefficiencies and poor team usage, establish long-needed governance, and finally rid yourself of technical debt.

Learn more about Cprime Health Reports here.


How can I figure out my best option?

Cprime understands there are a lot of things to consider when deciding what is the best option between cloud or Data Center and migrating off of server. When evaluating between server or Data Center, here are just a few critical questions you need to consider:

  • What is the total cost of ownership for my instance and apps for both options, and are there any costs savings to be found?
  • What are my security requirements and how are they best supported with cloud or Data Center?
  • Which product will provide the best support and longevity needed for my organization?
  • How can we figure out the best approach for transitioning, and is a hybrid approach available to help with the transition?

There are two options:

  • Migrate to cloud (Atlassian recommended)
  • Migrate to Data Center

We understand there are a lot of contributing factors to decide, like your cloud readiness, organization requirements, and unique circumstances that sometimes a quiz just can’t fully encompass. We can help you understand your options with clarity and transparency, navigate this critical decision quickly, and ultimately migrate with guaranteed minimized disruption and total data fidelity.

Learn more about Cprime Migration services here.


Are there any discounts available?

There can be cost savings discovered depending on each customer’s requirements. Due to the uniqueness of each organization’s Atlassian technology stack, we recommend speaking with an expert to understand available discounts.

For larger organizations, some new cloud customers that migrate from server or Data Center are eligible for a multi-year discount program with a cost savings of up to 55% off.

Find out more about license discounts and management here.


Is there a trial cloud license available?

Atlassian is providing trial cloud licenses at no additional cost for server and Data Center customers.

There are three options for cloud plans: Standard, Premium and Enterprise. Trial licenses are available for the following cloud products:

  • Jira Software
  • Jira Service Desk
  • Jira Core
  • Confluence

Learn how to activate your trial cloud license here.


Is dual licensing available?

Atlassian is allowing dual licensing for qualified Enterprise customers. We understand there can be pre-existing conditions or requirements that can impact migrations to Cloud and there can be options available for Enterprise customers.

Migrating to the cloud can be made easier with a partner, then doing it alone. Please reach out to one of our licensing experts to identify the best migration path and licensing structure for your organization.