Learning Partner Program - Cprime








Learning Partner Program

Reselling Partnerships with Cprime Learning to Grow Your Portfolio and Your Bottom Line

With the options below, you are given a powerful way to expand your current offerings and portfolios into new and in-demand areas. Select from a variety of curriculums including DevOps, Agile, Big Data, Business Analysis, Security, Application Development, Languages and more.

Resell Cprime Learning courses to increase value for your customer

Extend your revenue generating capabilities with little to no capital outlay by offering a full line of courses. Select the courses that are best for your business and expand your value to your customers. If you are a training company, consultancy, software vendor, and/or service provider who wants to extend or augment their training course offering, then Cprime Learning is the perfect partner.

Cprime Learning markets public courses in 75+ major cities across the United States and we are always open to new markets with potential new partners. Together, we can offer public seats, on-site services, 3D e-learning, custom development, and custom delivery services as part of the reseller program. Revenue sharing and T&C specifics will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

Expand Your Reach, Partner with Us

Cprime Learning is always looking for high-quality course content to complement our current product offerings to integrate into our proven, highly scalable direct marketing and sales capability. Our customer services staff would manage course registration and we would be responsible for collections. Based on the course offering, we may develop and mail a course brochure to an expansive mailing list and help you to reach a much broader audience. This opportunity will allow you to extend your brand, and significantly increase lead generation and sales. Revenue sharing and T&C specifics will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

View Our Full Curriculum


Partner with us

Let’s talk about partnership opportunities