Marc Balcer Instructor - Cprime








Name: Marc J. Balcer

Primary Expertise: Agile Software Development, Software Project Management, Software, Process, and Business Modeling, Test Automation, Test-Driven Development, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

Education/Credentials BS, Computer Science, College of William and Mary. MS, Villanova University, ICP, ICP-BVA, ICP-TST,

Notable Clients & Employers:

  • Thermo Fisher Scientific
  • Prudential Financial
  • Ranorex
  • St. Jude Medical
  • International Asset Systems
  • Siemens Corporation
  • Allscripts
  • Lowe’s
  • The Principal
  • Walmart

Marc Balcer


Marc Balcer is a software architect, author, and teacher who has made a career of creating better specifications and turning them into powerful systems and productive tests. Marc has many years of experience as an SDLC coach and trainer, and as a consultant and enterprise modeling expert. Most recently as CTO of Model Compilers, Marc has been leading the development of TAME, a unique model-driven platform for specifying and generating many test cases from a single simple specification. As a hands-on consultant, Marc applies agile model-driven techniques to client projects. His systems have been used to test and verify software in critical areas including molecular diagnostics, financial services, implantable cardiac devices, transportation logistics, telecommunications, and broadcasting. Together with Stephen J. Mellor, he is the co-author of Executable UML: A Foundation for Model-Driven Development. He has numerous publications and conference presentations to his credit on topics ranging from project management to software testing techniques. Marc has developed and taught courses for Ranorex, Cprime, TCSI Corporation, and Project Technology, and has been on the faculties of SUPINFO International University, Arcadia University, and Mercer County Community College. Marc holds a BS in Computer Science from the College of William and Mary and an MS from Villanova University.

Marc Balcer teaches the following courses:

Test Automation Boot Camp (ICP-ATA)