Brian Milner Instructor - Cprime








Brian Milner

Brian Milner has been working in the Software Development industry for over 20 years now with about half that time spent working in Agile organizations. Having been through transformations from the inside, Brian brings his unique perspective on how to effectively transform an organization to his classes.

Brian has worked extensively as a Scrum Master and often was assigned to the highest profile projects at the time in the organizations he worked. He then progressed to Agile Coaching and eventually Enterprise Agile Coaching. Brian feels there is a distinct need in our industry of working at both the team and the executive level in order to build the kind of lasting transformations that clients seek.

If you attend one of his classes, you can expect anything other than the usual “death by PowerPoint” we see all too often. Instead, he prefers utilizing experiential learning methods such as Sharon Bowman’s “Training from the Back of the Room” (which Brian is also certified to train).

Brian has also spoken extensively on the importance of Servant Leadership in successful Agile organizations. This has included conferences in Germany, Austria, and in the U.S. as well.

Brian became a CST in May of 2019 at the Scrum Gathering in Austin, Texas – his home state. Outside of the Agile world, Brian’s great loves of his life are spending time with his family, Star Wars, and the Dallas Cowboys.

There are currently no active courses taught by Brian Milner. Contact us for more information.