Business Analyst Fundamentals eLearning - Cprime








Business Analyst Fundamentals eLearning

Build a solid foundation in business analysis fundamentals via eLearning, preparing you for high-impact roles in initiatives.


Delays, cancellations, and defects in systems development projects stem in large part from our inability to understand project requirements and the environment in which they exist, as well as our inability to communicate those requirements clearly enough to enlist the collaboration and commitment of stakeholders. In Business Analyst Fundamentals, you will learn key communication skills, interaction techniques, and problem-solving skills required to leverage your IT and business knowledge to effectively understand, document, and present the requirements that define a project's scope. This indispensable course solidifies the foundations of business analysis and equips business analysts with critical thinking, analytical skills, and necessary people skills to thrive in their roles and add measurable value to every project.



This self-paced Business Analyst eLearning course will give you experience with proven techniques for discovering, understanding, and documenting the business environment; understanding and depicting project scope; identifying, documenting, and confirming business objectives; modeling current and desired business processes; and communicating all of these expertly to colleagues, sponsors, and business customers. Lively lectures combined with insightful demonstrations and realistic practice exercises provide you with the competence and confidence to improve project outcomes through better project scope and business requirements definition.

Note: We are now offering Enterprise LMS Services! Contact us for more information. 

Reserve Your Seat
$495 (USD)
Group (3+): $395 USD
GSA: $385 USD
Education Credits:
8 PDUs
8 Technical PDUs
8 PDUs

Next Upcoming Course

In PersoneLearning

Mar 1st - 31st, 2025
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Local Time
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private group

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Full Course Details

This e-Learning course has an ongoing case study that is intertwined throughout to give you hands-on application of the learning.

Part 1: Course Overview

  1. Course Introduction
  2. Requirements Management

Part 2: The Business Analysis Profession

  1. Exercise: What is business analysis?
  2. What is business analysis?
  3. What is a requirement?
  4. Requirement Classifications
  5. Levels of Requirements
  6. Requirements vs. Design
  7. Defining Roles
  8. Perspectives on Business Analysis
  9. Expert vs. Novice BA
  10. Knowledge Check Quiz

Part 3: Underlying Competencies

  1. Business Analyst Skills
  2. Exercise: Business Analyst Competencies
  3. Communication Styles
  4. Communications Skills
    1. Types of Questions
    2. Elicitation
    3. Clarifying Statements
      1. Exercise: Clarifying Statements
    4. Analytical Thinking and Problem Solving
      1. Creative Thinking
      2. Problem Solving
      3. Define and Measure
      4. Implementing Solutions
      5. Problem Solving Techniques
      6. Cause and Effect
    5. Knowledge Check Quiz
    6. Interaction Skills
      1. Exercise: Interaction Skills
      2. Facilitation
      3. Leadership
      4. Teamwork
      5. Negotiation
    7. Business Knowledge
      1. Domains
      2. SDLC
      3. Domain Focus Model
      4. Exercise: Business Knowledge
    8. Knowledge Check Quiz

Part 4: Strategy Analysis

  1. What is strategy analysis?
  2. Business Environment
  3. Business Knowledge
  4. Exercise: Strategy Analysis
  5. Knowledge Check Quiz

Part 5: Project Initiation and Analysis

  1. Initiation and Analysis Objectives
  2. Business Requirements
  3. The Project Request
  4. Identifying Risks
  5. Identifying Stakeholders
    1. Finding Stakeholders
    2. Describing Stakeholders
  6. Systems and Actors
  7. User Interaction Diagramming
  8. Process Flowcharts
  9. Context Diagramming
  10. Exercise: Context Diagram
  11. Business Objects
  12. Requirements Elicitation
  13. Knowledge Check Quiz

Part 6: Requirements Analysis

  1. Structuring Requirements
    1. Tips for Structuring Requirements
    2. Tips for Writing Requirements
  2. System or User Perspective?
  3. Improving Requirements
  4. Knowledge Check Quiz

Part 7: Requirements Collaboration

  1. Requirements Collaboration Activities
  2. Reviewing the Requirements
  3. Effective Communication
  4. Formal Requirements Specification
  5. Baselining Requirements
  6. Knowledge Check Quiz

Part 8: Solutions Evaluation

  1. What is solution evaluation?
  2. Exercise: Solution Evaluation
  3. Knowledge Check Quiz

This Business Analyst eLearning course is perfect for you if you are a:

  • Business customer, user or partner
  • Business Analyst
  • Business Systems Analyst
  • Systems Analyst
  • Project Manager
  • Systems Architect or Designer
  • Systems or Application Developer
  • QA Professional
  • Systems Tester
  • Leader of Systems projects or teams
  • Anyone wanting to enhance his/her business analysis skills

  • Define BA knowledge areas, the BA role and competencies.
  • Demonstrate key communication skills.
  • Define problems and determine root causes.
  • Understand interaction skills required for Business Analysts.
  • Distinguish and apply IT and business domains and knowledge.
  • Analyze an enterprise for problems, opportunities, and alignment.
  • Understand and document project scope and desired state.
  • Communicate/present project requirements to obtain consensus/sign-off.

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