Adaptive Leadership Workshop - Cprime








Adaptive Leadership Workshop

Empowering leaders to navigate and thrive in a changing world through modern practices and adaptive leadership.


In today's fast-paced business landscape, the ability to adapt and thrive amidst constant change is not just an advantage—it's a necessity. This workshop has been designed to help executives, leaders and extended leadership teams understand their role in leading and supporting an organisation through modern ways of working.

Discover the art of modern leadership and learn how to foster a culture that empowers your teams to deliver unparalleled value. This is more than just a training course; it challenges you to reflect on your own leadership practices and equips you with insights and tools to better navigate the complexities of today's dynamic markets.

This workshop introduces you to the latest thinking of how modern leaders design, govern and lead an organization where people can thrive in the 21st century. Amongst other things, topics cover how important it is for leaders to create an organizational environment, with a supportive business culture for teams to be delivering maximum value. You'll also appreciate that leadership education, sponsorship and support of modern practices are essential to the success of modern organizations in today's rapidly changing markets.

Our workshop is not a simple off-the-shelf one or two day class. This is because we recognise that your leaders are busy people whose time is precious and that no two orgnizations have the same challenges to overcome. Prior to running the workshop we will have one of our experienced leadership consultants work with you to understand and design the best possible learning experience, over the right duration and select the right content for your people.

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1 day of instruction

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Adaptive Leadership Workshop Schedule

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There are currently no scheduled classes for this course. Please contact us if you would like more information or to schedule this course for you or your company.

Full Course Details

Every organization is different, so we've designed the series to be modular, allowing customization that is fit for your purpose, needs, and goals. There are two types of modules, foundations and deep dives. The deep dives combine theory, coaching, and practical workshops to ensure the new concepts are grounded in your context. In a pre-course needs assessment session, your trainer will work with you to determine which modules will add value to your team and organization. The workshop is facilitated by a highly experienced leadership trainer paired with a highly experienced consultant to provide you with the best of both worlds. We design the delivery timing and schedule to suit the needs of busy leaders.

Foundation Modules

  • Impetus for Change
  • What is Agile
  • Team Level Agile | A Leaders Perspective
  • Adaptive Governance
  • Value led Organisations
  • Adaptive Leadership
  • Deliberately Developmental Cultures
  • Managing complexity
  • Strategy to execution
  • Systems Thinking
  • Adaptive Planning
  • Patterns of scaling the change
  • Metrics, Measurements, Incentives
  • Agile and Risk Management
  • Effective continuous improvement
  • Portfolio execution
  • Agile Finance

Deep Dive Modules

  • Generative conversations
  • Accountability
  • Change Leadership
  • Decision Making
  • Vision to Value
  • Conflict Resolution

  • Executives
  • Senior Leaders
  • Leaders
  • Extended Leadership Teams

Agile Leaders need to understand how to:

  • Align on a strategic direction
  • Fostering a supportive culture
  • Create a mindset of continuous improvement
  • Encourage empowerment
  • Enhance customer satisfaction
  • Streamline organization and processes
  • Build high-performing teams

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