Atlassian Jira Service Management | Cprime








Atlassian Jira Service Management

Future-Proof Your ITSM Operations With Jira Service Management (JSM)

Rely on JSM to Enhance Internal and External Customer Service and Deliver Maximum Business Value

Power up ITSM

Holistic JSM Solutions Designed Around You and Your Customers

Need to speed up customer service? To remove waste and create efficiencies? To promote collaboration and alignment? You’re not alone. Cprime’s flexible JSM integration, automation, and optimization solutions empower Atlassian tooling to deliver more business value.

Enabling ITSM Change Management Using JSM

This is the first in a three-part series covering ITSM principles and applying them using JSM:

Read the blog

Cprime Leads JSM Customization for Global Lifestyle Retail Brand

This infographic shares a tool first approach to achieving maximum speed to market with Agile and DevOps tooling.

Check it out

What is the difference between Atlassian Jira and Jira Service Management?

Already have Jira and wonder how or why to consider Jira Service Management? Learn here..

Read the blog

Jira Service Management-Powered ITSM Success

This luxury retail icon tapped Cprime to modernize its legacy ITSM tool stack. The resulting implementation boosted their service efficacy and reduced tickets created.

Cprime Leads JSM Customization for Global Lifestyle Retail Brand

Cprime customized JSM to improve communication, support efficiency and accountability, and proactively resolve issues..

How to Support ITSM and ITIL with JSM

Explore how Jira Service Management can accelerate your journey to optimal ITSM execution using ITIL.

Is Your ITSM Operation All It Can Be? Let Us Help.

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