Github Copilot Guided Pilot and Evaluation | Cprime








Github Copilot Guided Pilot & Evaluation

Revolutionize Development with The Guidance to Maximize GenAI Technology

Maximize GitHub Copilot’s Value with Tailored Organizational Support

Comprehensive support for organizations looking to maximize and quantify the value of GitHub Copilot includes tailored training sessions, detailed usage analytics, performance assessments, and strategic guidance to enhance coding efficiency and drive innovation.

Adopt Effectively

Effectively integrating new technologies like GitHub Copilot into existing workflows to overcome slow adoption and underutilization.

Productivity Optimization

Enable developers to fully leveraging GitHub Copilot’s capabilities to enhance their efficiency.

ROI Evaluation

Provides the tools and methodologies to accurately measure the ROI of their technology investments, including the impact of GitHub Copilot on developer productivity.

GenAI Discovery Workshop

GenAI experts will guide participants through a strategic understanding of AI and an examination of their business operations and goals to highlight specific AI business cases and their potential to enhance revenue and reduce costs. 

How to Maximize the Return on Your GitHub Copilot Investment

Maximizing the potential of GitHub Copilot can transform your development process, making it more efficient, innovative, and productive. With GitHub partner Cprime’s CodeBoost solution, you can overcome common challenges and ensure you get the most out of your investment. Find out how!

Cprime’s Generative AI Services: From Discovery to Mastery in AI Integration

Every successful journey begins with a map, and in the realm of Generative AI, this map is charted through a meticulous discovery and assessment phase. At Cprime, we initiate our engagement by partnering with you to gain a comprehensive understanding of your unique landscape—your challenges, aspirations, and the technological heartbeat of your enterprise.

A Framework for Development in the AI Age

By harnessing custom-crafted AI solutions, teams can expect improved efficiency, enhanced creativity, and better alignment with Agile principles. Explore how Cprime’s CodeBoost and AgileSME AI solutions offer a groundbreaking approach that delivers a complete framework for development in the AI age.

Balancing Value and Productivity: A New Approach to Measuring Developer Performance

Review our executive panel and get their take on viewpoints on Developer Productivity and Metrics in software development, lessons learned and best practices from real-world experience and meaningful productivity measures to align with business outcomes for your teams.

Don’t Get Left Behind: Unlock Developer Hyper-Productivity